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An event to retrace half a century of history of the most authoritative Italian journal of contemporary Chinese studies, a cultural bridge and instrument of dialogue between Italy and China

Chinese Worldthe most authoritative Italian periodical, published by ICCF - Italy China Council Foundation, dedicated to contemporary China studies, today celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special event sponsored by the City of Milan and held at the Palazzo Marino.

Since its foundation, Mondo Cinese has offered the Italian public in-depth analyses and interpretations to understand the complex political, economic and cultural dynamics of the Asian country, contributing to a constructive dialogue between Italy and China. Thanks to the collaboration of experts and scholars, Chinese World represents a reference point for companies, Italian and Chinese institutions, teachers, students and media. The magazine is disseminated in digital format among members, institutions, universities and media representatives, making it essential tool for training, knowledge and work in Italian-Chinese relations.

The event retraced the magazine's five decades of activity, recalling the most significant stages of this journey, and offered a glimpse of the coming decadeswith a view to continuing to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries.

The President of ICCF, Mario Boselli, stated: 'In an ever-changing world, the role of a magazine like Chinese World is more crucial than ever. Not only has it provided a privileged window on China for decades, but it has contributed substantially to the construction of an in-depth and reliable knowledge" - continued "We are proud to celebrate this milestone today and we look forward to the next 50 years with enthusiasm, aiming to continue in the same vein and further expand our network of partnerships".

The event was attended by institutional and academic figures, who brought their greetings and contributions to the debate: Filippo Barberis, Chief of the Mayor's Cabinet, Municipality of Milan, Mario Boselli, President ICCF - Italy China Council Foundation, Liu Kan, Consul General, Consulate of the People's Republic of China in Milan, Federico Roberto Antonelli, Director, Beijing Italian Cultural Institute, Vinicio Peluffo, President, Parliamentary Association 'Friends of China'. The forum continued with a dialogue involving various protagonists: Alcide Luini, Coordinator of Chinese World in the first 40 years of the magazine, Plinio Innocenzi, current Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of Mondo Cinese, Renzo Cavalieri, Professor of East Asian Law Ca' Foscari University, Giuliano Noci, Pro-rector Delegate, Chinese Territorial Pole Politecnico di Milano, Francesca Spigarelli, Professor of Applied Economics and Director of the China Centre University of Macerata, Guido Samarani, Senior Researcher Ca' Foscari University, Marina Timoteo, Professor of Comparative Private Law and Law of Asian Countries University of Bologna.

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