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In its 50th year, Chinese World celebrates the milestone number 175with an issue entitled "China in 2049", dedicated to imagining where the country will go and what it will be like in a quarter of a century. The release of the new volume - in an exclusively digital version - of the historic scientific journal published by the Italy China Council Foundation provided the occasion for a public event with an interesting discussion on this fascinating and complex topic.  The meeting to present the issue in Milan was attended by the Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Milan Liu Kanthe ICCF President Mario BoselliProfessor Plinio Innocenzi (Materials Science and Technology, University of Sassari) and the Head of the ICCF Study Centre, Alessandro Zadro. The debate was moderated by the director of Mondo Cinese, Rita Fatiguso, China Senior Correspondent Il Sole 24 Ore. In the audience, entrepreneurs and professionals from the ICCF network.

"China's development cannot be separated from the world and the world's development cannot be separated from China - reads the text written by Consul Liu Kan -. China will always closely link its own development with that of humanity, and is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on poverty reduction with other countries, join forces to promote the international poverty reduction process, and contribute more to building a community of human destiny for common prosperity and development".

"Twenty-five years from now, the world that awaits us will be very different and it is up to us to build it in the best possible way - writes in the introduction to the volume the ICCF President, Mario Boselli -. In this vision of mine, China cannot, of course, be absent, which I see in 2049 as a global power, with the economic, political and cultural influence it deserves. My wish is that Beijing becomes a responsible player in maintaining international peace and stability, promoting multilateral cooperation and countering global challenges such as climate change, poverty and terrorism'..

 What will China be like in 2049?

Perhaps it will 'only' have a billion inhabitants and 2% growth, as the statistics say, or it will have achieved global leadership. "Certainly, the road to the People's Republic of China's 100th birthday is strewn with strategies and programmes that, with the strength of a well-established political leadership, aim straight at global leadership"says the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine, Rita Fatiguso.

How much and how will the global context interact with these designs?

This is the focus of issue 175 of Chinese World, starting with an introduction by the ICCF president, Mario Boselli. The issue goes on to discuss the topic in the scientific, urban planning, political-economic and financial fields - thanks to contributions from Plinio InnocenziRoberto PaganiNunziante MastroliaGiuliano Noci.

Insights to which is added an analysis of a key aspect of Beijing's development plan, the fight against poverty, which the Consul General of Milan Liu Kan wrote specifically for our magazine drawing on his professional experience.

In the well-established tradition of gathering ideas around topics of great topicality and perspective, Chinese World offers the contributions of Zhao Tingyangphilosopher of politics, and an architect of the calibre of Philip F. Yuan.

Stefano Vernole (CeSEM) and Nicola Casarini (IAI) address the geopolitical unknowns on the Central Asian and European chessboards, respectively, while Alessandro Zadro is the author of an original analysis of the reform of the Chinese healthcare system.

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Chinese World

Founded in 1973 by Senator Vittorino Colombo, Mondo Cinese is the only scholarly journal in circulation on contemporary China. ICCF's aim is to provide members, institutions and the business community with an additional tool for learning about China. In 2010, it was acquired by the then Italy China Foundation with the aim of increasing the prestige and improving the visibility of the journal. Since 2022, following the integration with the Italy-China Chamber of Commerce, the publisher of Mondo Cinese is Italy China Council Foundation-ICCF. In recent years, the magazine has been characterised by a greater focus on economic and management issues, a new layout and a greater openness to international contributions. From December 2021 (issue 169), Mondo Cinese will be distributed in an exclusively digital version.