Monday 27 May in Milan (Piazza Filippo Meda 3, 10.30 a.m.) we will present issue 175 of our magazine Chinese Worldentitled 'China in 2049"dedicated to imagining where the country will go and what it will be like in a quarter of a century: its release will give us the opportunity to discuss this fascinating and complex topic together. To participate, you must register here.
What will China be like in 2049?
Perhaps it will have 'only' a billion inhabitants and a growth of 2%, as the statistics say, or will it have achieved the goal of global leadership? Certainly, the road to the People's Republic of China's 100th birthday is strewn with strategies and programmes that, with the strength of a well-established political leadership, aim straight at global leadership.
How much and how will the global context interact with these designs?
This is the theme of issue 175 of Chinese World, in its 50th year, starting with an introduction by the ICCF president, Mario Bosellicontinuing with the facets of the topic - science, urban planning, economics and finance, politics - thanks to the contributions of Plinio Innocenzi, Roberto Pagani, Nunziante Mastrolia, Giuliano Noci.
Insights to which is added an analysis of a strong theme of Beijing's development plan, the fight against poverty, which the Consul General of Milan Liu Kan wrote specifically for our magazine drawing on his professional experience.
In the well-established tradition of gathering ideas around strong themes, Chinese World offers contributions from Zhao Tingyangphilosopher of politics, and a high-calibre architect such as Philip F. Yuan.
Stefano Vernole (CeSEM) and Nicola Casarini (IAI) address the geopolitical unknowns on the Central Asian and European chessboards, respectively, while Alessandro Zadro is the author of an original analysis of the reform of the Chinese healthcare system.
Happy reading,
Rita Fatiguso
Editor-in-chief Chinese World