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Being a Member

Joining ICCF

Through targeted business assistance services, publications and dedicated training courses, Italy China Council Foundation (ICCF) promotes bilateral exchanges between Italian and Chinese companies and the development of institutional relations between the two countries.

A detailed analysis of each company's needs allows us to offer ad hoc solutions. We support Italian companies in identifying the best strategies for the promotion of their products and expertise on the Chinese territory and, at the same time, we support Chinese companies in the development and communication of their business in the Italian and European markets.

Joining ICCF means becoming part of a network of more than 400 Italian and Chinese members; accessing confidential services, including analyses and reports on key sectors in Italy-China bilateral relations; interacting with professionals and experts in the Chinese market during networking events; participating in training courses tailored to business needs; joining thematic Working Groups and attending seminars on Europe-Asia trade.

Being part of our network

The ICCF network includes important Italian entities, such as the Italian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Unioncamere, and prestigious Chinese entities, such as the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), the most important institutional organisation for foreign trade promotion.

The Italy China Council Foundation's network is enriched by the federation of EU national business organisations, EU-China Business Association (EUCBA) and the EU SME Centre, an EU project to facilitate market access and business opportunities for EU small and medium-sized enterprises in the People's Republic of China.

Together with the Southeast Asian Chamber of Commerce, the Italy-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce, the Indian Chamber of Commerce for Italy and the Italy-Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, ICCF is a founding member of Club Asia, an association that promotes common interests and acts as a catalyst for opportunities for collaboration, exchange of information and promotion of networking and economic growth initiatives in the Asian region.

Our Company Values

Network and relations

Being a member of an authoritative organisation that enjoys strong relations with the Chinese and Italian authorities.
Being part of a network of over 400 Foundation members, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the China-Italy Institute, allowing you to share information, experiences, contacts and opportunities connected with China.
Helping to influence Italian and Chinese institutional relations. The Foundation closely follows the evolution of relations between Italy and China, identifying strategies that may influence the decision-making process in line with the Foundation's vision and mission. Having an opportunity for visibility through the activities of the Italy-China Foundation, via sponsorships, business testimonials and advertising on the Foundation's publications.
"Welcome": on becoming a member of the Italy-China Foundation, your corporate presentation and logo will be inserted on the Foundation's website and an email notification will be sent to all members of the Foundation.
"Bulletin Board": you can post your initiatives and achievements on the Foundation's website.

Business Support

Our team provides strategic advice and support to Italian companies in implementing business establishment projects in China, and to Chinese companies in making investments in Italy.

With decades of knowledge of the Chinese market, ICCF experts provide business assistance services to support companies at all stages of their business development.

Through its wide network of collaborators, Italy China Council Foundation elaborates market analyses and entry or expansion strategies; identifies partners and commercial offices in China and Italy; provides legal/fiscal assistance and support for the establishment of companies; offers translation and consecutive and simultaneous interpreting services, both in Italy and in China; informs on the latest import-export procedures to and from China; helps in the search for executives, managers and specialised personnel. ICCF identifies solutions that meet the needs of each individual company.

ICCF Study Centre

The Study Centre produces medium-term political-economic analyses on China, in-depth analyses on the Chinese market enriched by the sectorial expertise of all ICCF network members, and surveys to measure the perception of Italian and Chinese companies operating in their respective markets.

The focus is on Italy-China bilateral relations, set in the broader context of international dynamics. Over the course of time, the Study Centre has broadened the spectrum of its analyses to include the countries of the ASEAN area and has enriched its activities through collaboration with the Club Asia, an association that aims to strengthen relations between Asian entities operating in Italy, including mixed and foreign bodies, associations and chambers of commerce, and Italian and international business or institutional counterparts.

ICCF Academy

ICCF Academy offers training courses aimed at professionals who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex dynamics of business relations with Chinese counterparts. The vast experience gained through years of exchanges and relations with China constitutes the added value of our proposal.

The training offer includes executive training courses aimed at company managers, Chinese language courses in specific sectors, and Italian language courses for Chinese students preparing to study at Italian universities. Courses can also be constructed with ad hoc formulas, based on the needs of each individual company.

Acquiring professional skills related to internationalisation to and from China and Asia is an essential strategic prerogative for those who intend to develop their business. A prerogative that the ICCF Academy makes available to entrepreneurs, managers and students.